
This climb is not suitable for children 16 years and younger.
The Pinnacle climb is a high risk and extreme activity therefore the Park offers it only as a 3 days 2 nights trip.
The first day includes a boat ride on the Melinau River for 1–2 hours visiting Clearwater Cave tour (which is optional (additional RM30pp) and if you are not doing the tour then you will need to wait for anyone who is) before continuing to Kuala Litut which is the beginning of the 9km walking trail to Camp 5.
Camp 5 is a basic forest shelter that caters to visitors travelling on the Headhunter’s Trail and to those climbing the Pinnacles, providing accommodation for up to 38 guests per night.
As space is limited reservations are essential.
Camp 5 has 5 bedrooms built on raised timber platforms with a roof and half walls, NO windows, NO doors and NO insect screens.
- Sleeping mats are provided, but no bedding. Bring your own or pay a deposit for blanket, sheet and towel at HQ. Get a refund on returning the bedding at HQ.
- Mosquito net rental MUST be paid at HQ and can be collected at Camp 5.
- Camp 5 has separate showers (cold water only) and toilets.
- Eating facilities are self-catering with an equipped kitchen that provides gas and utensils for cooking and eating.
- Only basic snacks and drinks are for sale at Camp 5.
- Free filtered/boiled drinking water available to refill your bottles.
- No cell phone reception – only radio communication
Camping in tents is not permitted.
Located beside a clear stream Camp 5 is an ideal place to swim and relax after your walk. The following morning the hike begins around 06:30. The trail to the top is only 2.4 km long but rises 1200 metres to the viewpoint. The last section of the trail is near vertical with rope sections and ladders to climb. For many, the descent is more difficult and can take 5 hours or more.
The climb is well worthwhile though as it culminates in spectacular views of the pinnacle formations, some of which tower up to 50 metres high. The trail itself, which climbs steeply from the Melinau Gorge passes through some intriguing limestone forest and as you reach the higher altitudes includes some spectacular pitcher plants (Nepenthes sp.), sightings of rare orchids and Mountain Shrews.
The Pinnacle trail is regarded as an extreme climb (not a trek) on a natural route. Man-made assistance comes in the form of vertical steel ladders bolted into the rock faces and ropes. If you suffer from vertigo or fear of heights this is not for you. The visitors that were injured on this trail were people that underestimated the trail and their own fitness levels. These visitors were often not well equipped and did not adhere to the advice of their guides. Rescues are extreme (and costly) and even more so in the dark.
After a second night at Camp 5 you retrace your steps back to Kuala Litut where you meet a boat at a pre-arranged time.
If you choose not to climb then you can enquire about the walking trails which take you to the Kerangas Forest or the Melinau Gorge. Guided tours are available to take you through this fascinating vegetation – pending on the availability of Park Guides.
COSTS RM 451 per person INCLUDES
Guiding Fee Once the climb begins there can be no refund, regardless of why you are unable to reach the top. If the guide decides that you cannot continue due to your fitness levels or conditions on the Pinnacles then you must comply. This is for your safety and the safety of others.
If the climb is officially cancelled by the Park Guide due to unsafe weather conditions you will be refunded. RM168 guide fee and RM60 for 1 night’s accommodation if you decide not to stay a second night.
Accommodation for 2 nights at Camp 5. Fully equipped kitchens with cooking gas are included. Bedding available for refundable deposit at HQ. Mosquito net to rent at HQ.
Long Boat return from Park HQ to Kuala Litut, sharing with others in your group. It is not possible to walk to Camp 5 from Park head quarters. If you have a reason to be back before 12:30 then you need to have your own charter boat.
WARNING You are not permitted to climb the Pinnacles unaccompanied, you must have a licensed guide.
The park can help you to find an Independent Porter. A porter will carry maximum 17kg. Porter fees is RM150pp for one day, but Park entrance RM15 and RM11/night accommodation on behalf of the porter must be paid to the Park (if you would like to request overnight porter).
Park Management will make every effort to put participants into groups. Under no circumstances can this be guaranteed. For reasons beyond our control bookings can be cancelled at the last minute, and you may find yourself part of a group of 1 or 2 participants. If this is the case the cost per person of this trek must increase. For 1 person to do this trek as the only participant the cost is RM1057 and for 2 people the cost is RM1205. If the number of participants in any group is below 3 persons we will accept cancellations without penalty.
CANCELLATION FEE If you decide not to go to the Pinnacles and cancel this reservation no later than the morning of the day before there is no cancellation fee.
If when you arrive in Mulu you decide to change to another guide or agency to take you on this trek, then a RM200 cancellation fee will be charged.
Confirmation of this reservation is acceptance of these conditions.
- Insect repellent
- Personal Medications
- Toiletries
- Spare batteries
- Bedding/sleeping bag. Light blanket available for rental at HQ for a refundable deposit of RM15 (but no towel/bedsheet available for rental)
- Pillow (inflatable) – optional
- Enough food for 3 days (supplies can be bought from the Cafe/Gallery providing stock last)
- Mosquito net (MUST be paid for at the Park Office upon check in and to be collected at Camp 5)
- Sandals for bathroom
- Some cash (mini tuck shop)
- A carry pack (waterproof is recommended) with 2 straps (a sling bag will be in the way and may obstruct your vision towards your feet.) You need both hand free at all times.
- Shoes with grip and flexible sole that allows your ankle to move (stiff soled mountain boots are not ideal). The Adidas kampong rubber shoes have been proven to be the best shoe for a wide spectrum of climbers. For sale in Mulu Gallery.
- Sufficient water – 3 LITRES MINIMUM (1 is left at the halfway point for you to use on the return journey)
- Light lunch and an energy snack.
- Torchlight in case you get caught in the dark. Again a headlamp is advisable to keep both your hands free for climbing.
- A waterproof garment against cold
- A rainproof garment, preferably not a poncho (the incline is so steep that shorter individuals step on their poncho’s) if you do use a poncho, cut/trim the lower part.
- A personal First Aid Kit
- Gloves to help you cope with the rope sections upwards/downwards as well as the sharp rocks on the way down. For sale in Mulu Gallery.
- COMMON SENSE: Listen to your guide (abandon the climb when heavy rain falls and don’t get caught in the dark), listen to your body, stick to the cut-off times and focus on your foot placement ALWAYS. Keep re-hydrated. Do not stand too long at the view point – going down is tougher than going up!
- The steep gradient – 2.4km ascending to 1200m above sea level. (Descending is more challenging than ascending and takes longer!)
- Descending in the dark. (Very challenging during daylight – more so when dark)
- Slippery surface & sharp rocks. (Some of the limestones literally cuts like a blade!)
- Tiredness/unfit (you lose concentration where to place your feet)
- Very difficult to rescue a totally immobilized person (even more so when dark)
- Dehydration (drink & carry sufficient fluids)
- When a rescue is called by the GUIDE, a fee applies. RM200 PER RESCUER PER HOUR. It can take more than 6 hours for a team to reach a patient and double that to take him down and a team might consist of more than 20 people….
- Please keep this in mind and adhere to your GUIDE’S advice. The guide is your best safety device!